A Two Year Study of the Gospels

Pastor Dodge will take us on a fascinating journey through the Gospels, exploring the unique writing styles and emphases of each writer, understanding their perspectives based on who they are and their different audiences and learning from real people who were eye-witnesses to the story of Jesus’ life on earth and His teachings. This is a study of four men who were changed when they met Jesus. Come along with us and meet Jesus from the views of Mark, John, Luke and Matthew and Jesus will change your life, too.

The Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are the first four books of the New Testament in the Bible. They are written by two of Jesus apostles and two 1st Century missionaries, contemporaries of Jesus. Written through the inspired Word of the Lord, they each share a different perspective. These teaching are 1 time per week and 30-60 minutes long.


 The Gospel According to Matthew:

Discipling the Nations


The Book of Ruth teaches us how to live for God alone and gives us a glimpse into the meaning of love. True love requires sacrifice and foreshadows the sacrificial love of Jesus. Ruth encourages us to live lives of obedience to God.

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 Hebrews: Soul Anchor

As our soul anchor, Jesus is to be the most important person in our lives. With Him living inside us, we carry the hope-filled promise of eternal life. Join us in this exploration of the Book of Hebrews.

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 David: A Man after God’s Own Heart

In Samuel 13:14 we read: "The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart.” What God saw in David, He can see in us. We, too, can be people after God's own heart.

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 The Revelation of Jesus the Messiah

What does The Book of Revelation say about the future? How does it address the events of today? So many different interpretations — which is the correct one? Is this book scary? — or — Is this book an incredible comfort? Join us as we explore this controversial book together.

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Bible in a Year

A walk through the Bible by Pastor Chris Dodge, from Genesis to Revelation. Hebrews 4:12 says the Word of God is alive and active. And because it is the living word, it will impact you if you listen to what it has to say.

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  UnSheathing FREebooks are also available

Genesis FREebook

Exodus FREebook

Mark FREebook

Bible Reading Schedule of the Hebrew Scriptures in a PDF form

Exodus: Liberation from Bondage

Explore God’s miraculous deliverance of His people and how He established them in the Promised Land. The Book of Exodus is the ultimate preview of what Jesus Christ accomplished and of the LIBERATION He offers to each one of us.

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 Awake to His-story!

What is the heart of God? It is the message He has been speaking for 2,000 years. It directly addresses what is going on in our world and what the Lord Jesus is saying to His church today.

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 Romans: A Commentary on the Old Testament

Paul’s letter to the Romans is one of the most important books of the Bible. It is also one of the best commentaries on the Old Testament ever written. It speaks powerfully to every generation, and especially to our own.

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 Up to Jerusalem

A study of the final weeks of Jesus' ministry concluding with His resurrection and ascension, using the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John together with material from ancient sources and recent discoveries

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Joy Transcendent - Paul’s Letter to the Philippians

The Apostle Paul wrote this letter from prison, but you will not find another book in the Bible more joyful than Philippians!

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 The Gospel of John

The Gospel of John may be one of the most powerful books ever written. Many people have come to faith after reading only this book of the Bible. Recent discoveries help us understand it as the most Jewish of the Gospels and highlight things that we missed before.

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 Acts: Spirit's Fire

The Book of Acts is one of the most exciting books ever written. It is also a life-changing call from the Spirit of the Living God to all who will listen.

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 Galatians: Spirit vs. Flesh

The Galatians Bible Class covers one of the most important and influential books of the Bible. Short, but life-changing!

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 Beginnings: Studies in Genesis

Genesis is the foundational book of the entire Bible. It addresses the creation of the universe, the formation of our planet, the origin of marriage and the fall of humanity. All of the great truths of Scripture are seen in Genesis: sin and grace, judgment and redemption, hope and promise. At the heart of Genesis is the heart of God.

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 The Faith

This class highlights and applies the fundamental teachings of the Bible as we encounter them expressed in the life and teachings of Jesus outlined in the Gospel of Mark. It is a unique way of internalizing and applying the foundational truths of the Biblical faith.

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